Espace Global Freight convert to secure website
The Challenge
Converting an existing Espace Global Freight wordpress site that we have perviously work on into a secure (https) version throughout the entire website.
The Solution
We had to purchase and installing the SSL certificate on their hosting platform on both the live and stage sites. Testing was conducted under the staging site to find and fix any insecure content on every page of this site. Once all of these fix had been completed this was replicated onto the live site and suitable 301 redirects put in place to route non secure traffic to the secure version.
SEO boost and secure connection
SEO ranking factor
You may or may not know that Google is pushing switching every website in the world to secure connections and as such are offering up a small SEO boost ahead of competitiors that don’t have a secure website.
User love secure
Secure connections between your website and your users instills trust that anything they do on your website such as purchasing goods or services, registering for newsletters or live chat is only between themselves and the website and nobody is listening in to the conversation.